Sambandh's contribution during Corona outbreak
​Here at Sambandh, we thrive towards our commitment to invest a part of our resources to further achieve our cause, this time it was reaching out to the ones in need due to Corona outbreak. Due to the lock-down situation in various states of India, many have had an impact on their lives both socially and economically, with special mention of the daily wage earners.
Moreover, it wrenches our hearts to see the counts reflecting an increasing trend in overall number of affected people due to this pandemic. Although, Sambandh has been quite recently established, with a limited set of members, we are very proud to announce that we have managed to donate a contribution INR 31, 495 to West Bengal State Emergency Relief Fund.
Sambandh would like to thank all for such generous contributions.
While, we at Sambandh continue to find other ways to help people during such situations, we encourage you to do the same with us or in your own ways to help the struggling world at reach.
So do your bit, at times of need.
Stay indoors and stay safe.