Dr. B a d a l C h a n d r a C h a k r a b o r t y
An Interesting deal

Two friends Shirsendu and Samrat were sitting in a park. Samrat was thinking about something, suddenly he said to his friend, ¨will you make a deal with me?¨
¨What is the deal¨, asked Shirsendu.
Samrat said the deal is: ¨For a month of 30 days I’ll give you 300,000kr every day and in return you give me very little. On the first day you have to pay me just 1 kr, on the second day, you must pay me 2 krones, on the third day you pay me 4 krones, on the fourth day 8 krones and so on. Everyday you must pay me double what you paid me on the previous day. The only condition is that you must abide by the agreement and must not give up before the month is over¨.
Shirsendu thought Samrat was a fool, and he would become a very rich man soon. So he readily agreed to the deal.
Now can you tell me who will gain by the deal and by what amount?
Birthday Puzzle:

The mother of a boy puts a silver coin on his first birthday, the day when he was born, in a box. She then made a habit to put a silver coin on every subsequent birthday of the boy. When the boy was 17 years old, she opened the box and found that there were only 4 silver coins in it.
Can you tell me the probable date of birth of the boy?
(Remember that if your answer is 29th February of a leap year, then there should be 5 coins in the box including the one on his date of birth.)